Like many Syracuse alumni, I no longer populate the great CNY.
In fact, that was one of the most influential reasons in developing The Fizz 18 months ago. To help reconnect with my beloved Orange and provide a portal for displaced SU fans to plug into what was happening athletically on The Hill.
And what I saw from Midnight Madness scares me.’s short video montage was enough to shake me up. First, it’s always a double-edged sword to invite aging legends back to campus. You remember their youth and stumble upon their very mortal present. So G-Mac showing up… draining threes… and looking a little too much like my banker or the guy from Weezer was disturbing.
Secondly, did we really need the team to show up on motorcycles? Forgive me for going Cynical Sid on everyone, but does motor vehicles + indoors + exposed limbs of athletes = x seem like a winning equation?
I just saw Brandon Triche’s ACL flash before my eyes.
Finally, an Otto stand-off, my legendary head coach dressed like a freaking Statie and John Wallace in a navy-blue/periwinkle “SU” skully (we are your Rhode Island Orange!) was enough for me.
Wake me up in November. This Midnight Nightmare put me back into hibernation.