I mean, is this the greatest season of all-time? 1987, 1996 and 2003 feel like a long time ago compared to how incredible this run has been.
Forget the rankings, the national love and the demolition of the Big East.
The single greatest part of this season is clearly this Georgetown blog.
(BTW great Tumblr format. Very professional. So when can we expect your pics of the Nor’easter uploaded?)
“This is by far the most classless fan base in the BIG EAST and possibly in the country, including ‘grown men’ who have sworn at my mother during SU-GU games. And this disgusting lack of class was absolutely proven last night, in spades.”
Oh, I’m giddy. For the complete breakdown of how douchey Hoya fan is,¬†read this post from¬†The Fizz.
“I am not talking about general obnoxiousness of both the color of your shirts and the content of your epithets.”
Cool, you’re not talking about how the color Orange matches with anything after 25 wins?
“This is not about the grown man who got down and yelled in my friend Kathy’s face in the middle of the game.”
What do you want? Kathy’s a bitch.
“Or even the runty teenagers (maybe related to Gerry MacNamara?) who came down into the section at halftime to make vulgar gestures to the Hoyas student section.”
We grow ’em young.
“Like the Syracuse fan in a luxury box who was jawing back and forth with a Georgetown young alum that was heading out of Section 118, and decided that it was appropriate to throw a full cup of Coke on the GU fan’s sweatshirt.”
Is it our fault you invited an SU fan into a luxury suite? So a brain-dead Hoya fan spent $3,000 on a box to watch this team lose (again), invited his buddy Orange fan and it’s our fault there’s a Coke thrown? We toss Coca-cola products like they were beads at Mardia Gras in CNY.
“Barely a minute later, as we were exiting section 119 and about to head onto the concourse, a mousy brunette in a Syracuse tee shirt and grey North Face jacket reached up and dumped her half-full beer on my head and my winter coat.”
Is she single? I’d put the ring on her finger right now. Mousy is hot.
“This is to say nothing of the crowd of meatheads outside the arena yelling ‘F– Georgetown! F– UConn! F– the BIG EAST!!!'”
Those aren’t meatheads. They’re our valedictorians. I need “St. Elmo’s Fire” in my Netflix queue.
“Or finally, as we walked home, the Syracuse fan who decided that the side of a building on 15th Street was an appropriate place to urinate.
Real quickly, when’s the last time Georgetown won anything? When Lite Brite was big? When ALF was a hit? Thanks for playing GU. Perfect metaphor. We just urinated all over your season. See ya at MSG.
F— Georgetown, indeed.