The last time Syracuse went 3-0 against Georgetown in a season was 2003.
The last time you played hooky from work was probably much more recent.
The fantastic scheduling of the postseason play along with the onset of spring weather here in Central New York makes for perfect timing to get out of the office and into the action.
Heck, even the University is encouraging students to watch the game – in their own auditorium!
How can you turn an offer like that down?
All of these games in the coming days are about becoming a number-one seed.
In the coming weeks, you will be challenged by whether you should go to work or just lay in bed – there is little question as to what you¬†should do.
Last year the Orange played Stephen F. Austin and Arizona State in the early afternoon, and I vividly remember where I was: my couch in mySouth Campus apartment.
Over this small factor we can all unite as college basketball fans – work comes second to basketball in March.
And if you are stuck at work – fear not, you’re not the only one who is suffering in a suit and tie.
Last year, CBS’s¬†“Boss Button” got nearly 3 million more clicks than the year before.
Hopefully they come up with something better than what NBC threw together for their version of the button. Sure to get you fired.
But let’s face it, we’ve all played this game before.
Call in to work and find a new relative who died last night, invent a new disease, or just keep hitting that snooze button so you don’t get stuck in this kind of a scenario¬†trying to get out of work.
The ‘Cuse is in the house. And you’re in the house with them.