Adam Kuperstein from Miami’s NBC-6 joins Team Fizz to break down the Brandon Knight sweepstakes.
On how physically developed he is at the PG position:
“He looks like a man playing with a bunch of boys. Most high school players aren’t like that. But Brandon Knight has been like that since a freshman or sophomore in high school Physically dominating.”
Is the clean reputation he has legit?
“Yes, he’s good leader and a great guy. He stays out of trouble. As far as his personality, he’s a really bland and dry interview. But for a high school kids, that’s pretty normal. He doesn’t take any crap from his teammates. I was impressed by him, but not blown away by his personality.”
Is Kentucky the leader in the clubhouse?
“Rumors are swirling in South Florida that there’s already shady business with John Calipari going on. As a junior, I had a good feeling he was going to UConn. He was probably waiting out John Wall’s decision. I’m guessing it’s going to be Kentucky.”
Was he ever considering staying close to home?
“I don’t think Miami was ever truly in contention. All along he wanted to leave South Florida. I heard this from a pretty good source, Miami was never really on the list.”