Posted: Mike Couzens
Syracuse University has submitted its Form 990 to the IRS which is a requirement for nonprofit organizations. Quite simply, here’s what info that form has to include:
‚ÄúForm 990 is an annual reporting return that certain federally tax-exempt organizations must file with the IRS. It provides information on the filing organization’s mission, programs, and finances.‚Äù
Today, class, we will be examining the last point on that list: finances.
The Post-Standard dug through the paperwork and found the top ten earners for the 2008-2009 year at the university.
The man at the top of this list will probably make you dry heave.
Weighing in at #8 – former Chancellor and current professor Buzz Shaw with a cool $451, 133. But hey, any chancellor who¬†did push-ups on the sidelines at football games and wore a goofy orange hats during commencement ceremonies¬†deserves the dough.
(D.A.: That’s my Chancellor!)
At #3 – Jim Boeheim with $1,351,751. Can I request that my tuition dollars be sent directly to his salary? I was hoping he would be number one on the list.
#2 – Current Chancellor Nancy Cantor who made $1,386,464. However, $500,000 of that was a contract completion bonus that was donated back to the university. As Ali G¬†would say, ‚ÄúMad props to da hood, yo!‚Äù I would now like to rescind my above request regarding my tuition and ask that upon my upcoming graduation, I receive a commencement bonus. If it was around $6.2 million (the near cost of my tuition) that would be great.
And nowwwwww, the heavy hitter, the top of the list, #1: GREG ROBINSON!
$2,214,505 is the amount listed for Groobers salary. $1 million of that was given in a severance payment. Not a bad piece of change for getting booted from your job. I’ve still got the copy of the D.O. from that day hanging in my room.
Let us all hope this is the last vestige of the Groobers Error in Syracuse. Invariably, there will always be some reference to him as the football program digs itself out – and we will all cringe simultaneously.¬†But the final check has been sent. He is no longer a member of the university.
At least we know The Per‚Äôfesser’s base salary is still more than that clown’s. Just the way it should be.