Last week The Fizz detailed the newest SU commit Tyree Smallwood from Cornwall High down in New York’s Section 9.
This week he was a guest on the latest FizzCast.
He adds to the currently small crop of recruits from the class of 2011, but he talked about his decision.
On Doug Marrone and his staff:
“They had a whole new coaching staff and I could say the coaches were honest. It was a whole new coaching staff and they’re building a program here.”
On taking in a basketball game at the Dome:
“It was fascinating. I’ve never been to a game like that before in my life. That crowd is gonna be amazing.”
Tyree also did one thing that most high schoolers probably can’t stake a claim to. During his spring break this year, he traveled the country taking visits to all of the schools that had shown an interest in him:
“It was good it was a whole new thing for me. I’d never been to all of those states and cities. The schools were nice, campuses was crazy. I looked around the schools and met the coaches.”
We also got Ted Conroy on the phone to give us the background on a recruiting battle of epic proportions…TWINS! No, not these twins. These twins. Vance and Vernard Roberts. Two brothers, one of which is more highly rated than the other, who want to play together:
“If two brothers say they wanna play in college together and theyre twins and they’re both three slash four star recruits you take what you can get and you gotta recruit both of them in hopes that at least one of them would go. It looks like you’re gonna need one to have the other. That’s what guys like Doc Holliday are doing in his new job, West Virginia’s after them. Plenty of schools after this guy.”
Listen to the latest FizzCast right here.
Posted: Mike Couzens