Three commitments in two days now gives the Orange football team six recruits for the high school class of 2011. Wasn’t it just the other day that we were worried about how small the class was? Worry no more.
The latest three to give their word to Doug Marrone include Donnie Simmons, a defensive end from White Plains, Jonathan Fisher, a punter from outside of Buffalo, and Terrel Hunt (pictured), a quarterback from Queens. The link between the three? They‚Äôre all from New York – which is huge as Marrone attempts to close to border on the Empire State.
Simmons is an already big player who has the ability to grow into an even larger frame, according to his high school coach Mike O’Donnell:
“I could see him playing in college at 250, and maybe growing another inch,” he said. “He definitely has the frame to fill out. “He’s very, very quick,” said O’Donnell, adding that Simmons was clocked at 4.59 seconds for the 40-yard dash during a recent football camp.
Full Fizz disclosure: I may have a tough time rooting for Simmons with gusto. His high school (Stepinac) is in my hometown, and our high schools (mine the public White Plains High) battled every year on Thanksgiving in the epic battle known as the “Turkey Bowl.”
Fisher, the punter, who hails from Oakfield-Alabama High School averaged just under fifty yards per punt this past season and landed eight of them within the 20-yard line. If he can produce anywhere near Rob Long numbers, the Orange will be in good shape. Fisher is scheduled to arrive on campus the year after Long graduates.
Hunt is a 6‚Äô3‚Äù, 186 lb. quarterback from New York City. He‚Äôll join Jeremiah Kobenah in the class of 2010 as another recruit from Doug Marrone‚Äôs stomping grounds. Hunt has an interesting story – his mother passed away in January – and he was recruited by UConn, Rutgers and BC.
These three new recruits double the size of this high school class of 2011. Along with Simmons, Fisher, and Hunt there’s also defensive back Jaston George, running back Tyree Smallwood and tight end Louie Addazio. The cupboard is getting stocked.
Posted: Mike Couzens