Big East Media day was terrific. There’s nothing like all-expense paid trips to Manhattan to glad-hand college basketball players and coaches from the most elite conference in America. My work with Steve Lavin is Pulitzer-worthy.
Wait, I was in Syracuse yesterday. I had two classes and work. Yesterday sucked!
Well, not according to In fact, looks like I even shared a laugh with The Per’fesser yesterday, reading through¬†the captions.
Check that picture out. It’s actually Couzens enjoying a chuckle with Boeheim at the Garden. And probably living a lavish lifestyle, smoking macanudos with Steve Lavin (oh wait, that was debunked).
With all that having been said, I have a few questions about this picture, for obvious reasons:
1) How were we confused? Aside from the fact that we’re both 6’3-ish, blonde-haired, blue-eyed seniors at SU, who work at the same radio station, live in the same house, write for the same sports blog, and cover the same beat, it’s clear that my left ear slopes down and his does not. Critical mistake.
2) WTF is with that shirt Couz is wearing? It looks like we’re ready to play Chinese Checkers at his expense.
3) Was Mike Waters trying to play a funny on us? Mike is the man. I’ve known him for a few years now, and make no mistake, he’s probably the best college basketball beat writer in the country. Either he has a good sense of humor or he can’t tell us apart (probably the latter).
4) The caption also says he was a “radio sportscaster.” That, to an extent, is true. The real question, though, is when does¬†The Fizz get the “Orange Fizz Multimedia Blogger” title on the MSM publications?
This is all good for a hearty laugh. And seeing Couz yuk it up with the best of the best in college basketball is fun. Me? I’m gonna keep living vicariously through this picture. “Damn, the Yankee game from Marinatto’s luxury suite was the s**t.”
Thanks, You just made my week.
Posted: Ted Conroy