Do you want The Fizz to be writing about you in a few years time? Do you feel inspired by reading the blog to get involved with college sports yourself? Even if you don’t already, here are just a few reasons why it can be a good idea to get involved with various sports during your time at college.
Firstly, although it might seem like a long shot, you should remember that playing college sports can actually be the perfect way to start a professional career. Talent scouts often look at college teams to find the next big thing, so taking part could just land you just in the right place at the right time. If you’ve always dreamed of being a professional sports star, then playing in college can be a great way to get the ball rolling.
Of course, this doesn’t happen for everyone, but there are a number of other advantages to be had from signing up to play college sports. For those who are new to college, it can also be a great way to meet people. However, if you’re not particularly athletic then don’t despair – why not join the Partypoker or Chess team? You’ll still be part of a college team, with plenty of social and sporting opportunities, but without having to take part in athletic activities. There are usually also plenty of teams which do not play competitively against other colleges, which can be great for those who enjoy playing even if they are not especially great at sports.
Lastly, of course, you should bear in mind that playing college sports can be a great way to stay fit and healthy during your college years. You’ll no doubt be spending plenty of time studying, so it can be a great idea to schedule time for physical activity too. If you find it hard to be motivated enough to go to the gym, then playing college sports can be the perfect solution.