You know you’re a big deal when you have a hashtag trending. Last week #BrentAxeRumors ran rampant and yesterday Brent announced he would be leaving his show at the Score 1260 and moving full-time to After over a decade lighting up the airwaves in Central New York, the Axeman is hanging up the headphones. Afternoons in Syracuse just won‚Äôt be the same.
- Listen to The Fizz’s salute to the Axeman¬†(by Kevin Fitzgerald)
Axe is a perfect representation of Syracuse itself, having grown up in the area, living and dying with the Orange(men) and Buffalo Bills. The result is an incredible energy that is infectious to listen to and be part of. The Axeman did the job the way it’s supposed to be done. Few talk show hosts anywhere are in the locker room and post-game press conferences as often as he is. Axe isn’t just a talking head, he’s a fully rounded media member. He reports, he writes and of course, until this week, put on a hell of a talk show. In interviews he asks the questions his audience wants to know.
Axe has also been invaluable to The Fizz, inviting D.A. on the show for a weekly spot for years, and helping behind the scenes for Fizz Radio on the Score.¬†¬†He’s also given a parade of Fizz writers an opportunity to be on the air and assist his show.
Luckily, we’ll still get his tweets and columns at The knowledge is always there, the opinions straightforward and honest, the signature energy never ceases. Seriously Axe, how the hell did you get that excited for four hours a day, every day? So as he hangs up the headphones, a hat tip to the Axeman. Continued success.
Posted: Craig Hoffman