If the survey that Syracuse sent to its season ticket holders on Monday is any indication of what’s to come, then the Carrier Dome could be looking at a makeover.
The university sent a survey out to season ticket holders and others regarding possible changes for the Carrier Dome in the future, according to Syracuse.com. The survey asked what changes people would like to see in the Carrier Dome. Categories included a need for more comfortable seating, a wider array of concessions, and better tailgating facilities.
It’s no secret that the Carrier Dome needs some work. The roof has to be fixed in the next ten years, and the school is considering a hard top replacement or even an entirely new facility along with another bubble. Roofing situation aside, there’s still plenty to complain about. With no air conditioning, the Dome get’s extremely hot and humid during the first few weeks of football season. Most of the seats are concrete, and the ones that aren’t might as well be. It isn’t exactly a sight for sore eyes, and the Dome’s air circulation literally pushes you out the door when you leave. There are better alternatives.
But still, how can you not like¬†the Dome? Sure, it’s a piece of crap, but I always thought of it as¬†our piece of crap. Being able to squeeze 35,000 fans around a basketball court is a kind of atmosphere that can’t be matched by any other college or pro team for that matter, and I love the way the natural light is able to get in through the roof. When the NCAA East Regional was here it felt like the early games were being played outside.
Obviously some work needs to be done on the Carrier Dome. The roof needs¬†to be replaced, and in my opinion some new seating is in order. But aside from those things I love the Carrier Dome for all that it is and for all that it isn’t.
What do you think Syracuse should do with the Carrier Dome? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.
Posted: Nathan Dickinson