It’s almost basketball season, which means it’s time for the annual question: How many guys will Coach Boeheim play this year?
This year it’s especially intriguing. Considering the amount of question marks on this team there are tons of players that are in the mix this year. Counting all five freshman there are 12 guys on this years team that realistically could see the floor for meaningful minutes. Coach Boehiem said during Media Day today that this is probably the most depth they’ve had in “seven years.”
But, it’s Boeheim so they aren’t going to play 12 guys. Let alone 10. Let’s be honest, they will probably somehow find a way to play about eight. The question is who wouldn’t make the cut if that’s the case?
Well, here is the full list of players that could see significant playing time.
Jalen Carey
Buddy Boeheim
Brycen Goodine
Joe Girard III
Howard Washington
Elijah Hughes
Marek Dolezaj
Robert Braswell
Quincy Guerrier
Bourama Sidibe
John Bol Ajak
Jesse Edwards
For starters, let’s go over players we know won’t be cut from the rotation.
- Elijah Hughes
- Buddy Boeheim
- Jalen Carey
- Marek Dolezaj
- Bourama Sidibe
Those are the five I’d say given the amount of experience they have and playing time in the past are locks to see at least decent minutes. Maybe there is a world where Sidibe slips out but the way Coach was talking about him at Media Day it feels very unlikely.
Outside of those five, there are two more players that will be hard to leave off the floor. Just slightly below locks but will definitely get a chance early and are likely in the long term plan. 
6. Quincy Guerrier 
7. Robert Braswell 
There has been a ton of buzz around Guerrier through practice already. He has one-and-done breakout potential. While Braswell brings some playing experience, strong physical skills and decent shooting. Hard to imagine he isn’t on the floor during ACC play. After Braswell, it becomes tough to rank the rest.
It’s freshman that we don’t know a ton about right now and Howard Washington who obviously has battled a lot throughout his career and brings his own unknowns at this point. 
8. Brycen Goodine 
9. Jesse Edwars
10. Joe Girard III
11. Howard Washington
12. John Bol Ajak 
You can debate those last five. The main reason I have Edwards at ninth ahead of Girard and Washington is because Syracuse is going to need a backup center. It can’t just be Sidibe. Dolezaj will play the five some but my guess is Edwards gets a chance early and plays well.
I bet Boeheim starts with 10 in the rotation for the early part of the season. No Bol Ajak (feels like a redshirt) and Washington. Come ACC play I could see a world where Goodine and Girard III have been phased out because they aren’t quite ready to translate. However, I also see a world where they are starting come ACC play.
We say it every year. Boeheim has tons of depth. He always finds a way to get down to 7 or 8 though. This year it’s going to be really interesting to follow.
I can’t wait to look back at this article and laugh in February.