Orange Fizz


How to Change Your Life Dating an NBA Player

Regardless of whether or not you’re a huge basketball fan (or enthusiastic about sports in general), getting together with an NBA player could do wonders for your social life, not to mention your self-esteem. These prize athletes are in the prime of fitness, and many of them are over six feet (1.8 meters) tall, towering over mere mortals. You would also have a partner who is sure to attract attention. Here’s how to meet an NBA player who just might transform your life.

Meeting an NBA Player on a Dating Site: Is It Possible?

When it comes to dating an actual NBA player (as opposed to someone who plays a lot of basketball but has a regular day job), you could be forgiven for assuming this might be a big ask. After all, how often do these guys mix with their fans in situations you would have access to? The answer is that many of them socialize with strangers regularly using one night stand website and going online. More and more singles are choosing the convenience of this route to choose local hot women to date. Forget all the myths you might have overheard about these outlets, such as fake profiles (a distinct minority) or needing to meet someone face-to-face to establish a rapport. The digital environment makes it so easy to communicate and flirt with anyone who catches your eye, which is why you’d have every chance to interact with NBA stars. A lot of them shy away from the limelight when it comes to relationships and prefer the discreet platform offered by virtual matchmaking. Here, they can sign up for sites and download apps, and browse through interesting profiles from the comfort of their home.

Impressing Famous Players Online

NBA stars are no different from any other singles – they’ll appreciate good looks. So, when you upload your profile photo, ensure this shows you off in your best light. Give an enticing smile. Use a high-definition image, not some selfie. Pore over the profile of the person you’d like to impress and suss out their hobbies and interests. This can provide useful ammunition when you reach out with direct messages. Plan your conversation so that you can dazzle him with your knowledge. Remember, sites and apps are extremely popular, so standing out from the crowd is important. Another way to impress would be to focus on your interesting attributes. Never invent things, but do introduce achievements you are proud of. 

Pros and Cons of Dating an NBA Player

An obvious pro is that your partner will be recognized and might get preferential treatment should he invite you to social events. You can bask in the kudos of being his’ plus one,’ with people wanting to find out more about you, too. The cons? There will inevitably be a degree of jealousy. Singles will flash their eyes at this NBA star, wondering if they might persuade him to stray. There’s an obvious solution to that. Just make sure that you keep him happy – and whisper occasional sweet nothings to remind him what he’d be missing!

Once you get into a meaningful relationship with an NBA player, you’ll undoubtedly get used to chatting about all things basketball. Just to make sure you never show yourself up, it might be worth keeping in mind all the tips we’ve provided. What to chat about (ideal topics might be NBA champions over the years). How to impress him with your in-depth knowledge. Having confidence around him, especially when with a wider social circle. How all you have to do is relax and enjoy every moment!

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The Fizz is owned, edited and operated by Damon Amendolara. D.A. is an ’01 Syracuse graduate from the Newhouse School with a degree in Broadcast Journalism.


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