Orange Fizz


Category of Sports Games That Are Not Included in the Physical Category

Some types of sports that we have encountered so far are not far from what is called heavy physical activity, some also always rely on strength, speed and endurance to do it, in fact the development of the year and era has also emerged several sports that focus on strategy games and playing skills which in this case do not require much physical movement or non-physical sports games. In this article we will discuss several games that do not involve direct physical activity but still have exciting and competitive games.

Definition of Non-Physical Sports

The definition of this sport is certainly focused on playing intelligence, being smart in formulating strategies and formulating skills, although the players do not need great physical strength but to engage in non-physical sports must have a sharp mind and focus in concentrating.

Non-physical sports have been widely recognized by various international sports bodies and have official competitions at the world level.

Some of these non-physical sports games are:

Mind Sports

In this category, the games played certainly rely on intelligence and the right strategy.

a. Chess Game

Chess game relies on a strategy in each placement of its pawns and a game with sufficient analysis, besides that players must also be observant in predicting the opponent’s move to be able to strategize and win, this analysis technique is also often found in slot 4d games which also use instinct in guessing the opponent’s mind.

b. Card/Bridge Game

Card or bridge games also require teamwork and planned thinking strategies, this game sport has also been recognized by the International Mind Sports Association.

c. Go Game

The next mind game comes from China or China, which requires players to have careful calculations in placing stones on a game board, this sport is also one of the oldest games that is still popular to this day.


The Esport game category includes many competitive games that are technology-based in their activities, Esports also has a large network and community in every major tournament. Games include:

a. Dota 2

The popularity of the Dota 2 game is still felt today, a team-based strategy game that has elements of cooperation and tactical planning in playing always offers millions of dollars in prizes that always get many new fans.

b. League of Legends (LoL)

Almost similar to Dota 2, this game is also quite popular with many people from teenagers to adults, this kind of moba game also requires a game with fast thinking and strategy.

c. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

FPS or shooting games like CS GO are also no less interesting in the Esport game category that many people play, besides strategy and teamwork, playing FPS games also requires fast reflex movements.

Benefits of playing Non-Physical Sports

Although non-physical sports game activities do not use 100% physical, there are still some benefits that many people may not know about, including:

a. Increase Intelligence and Concentration Sharpness

Playing a lot of strategy games is considered to be able to increase the human brain’s ability to think logically. Also can analyze situations in real life, not only that, those who routinely play strategy games are also easy to make quick decisions.

b. Improve Good Problem Solving Skills

In playing competitive or strategy games that also have teams in them, players also learn to Develop the right Joint Strategy and that will also be useful in everyday life.

c. Train patience and strengthen Mental

Although not all games, some games require extra patience in playing them, especially chess thinking games or those involving opponents such as card games, besides that players must also learn to control good emotions.

d. Can be for various ages and groups

Unlike physical sports that have age limits to be able to do them, non-physical sports can actually be played by various groups and ages


Ultimately, sports are not always about what strength is, but there are also games that require players to think strategically, think together as a team, and build skills to achieve victory. Non-physical sports are also no less popular to play at any time considering that their popularity is still high and there are still many fans, if you are a teenager or adult who also wants to be involved in the world of Esports, being a part of it will be an unforgettable experience.

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The Fizz is owned, edited and operated by Damon Amendolara. D.A. is an ’01 Syracuse graduate from the Newhouse School with a degree in Broadcast Journalism.


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