Team Fizz woke up in cold sweats all night long, waiting for another of Doug Marrone’s recruits to dial the¬†Fizz Line.
All told, we spoke to nine of the young men who signed their letters of intent to ball at Syracuse (and it would’ve been more, except SU took the early enrollees and kept them bunkered). To listen to any of these¬†FizzCasts, simply¬†read through yesterday’s post or drop by¬†our FizzCast page.
A growing trend began developing early: these were polite, decent young men. When David Oku is being pursued by all 12 SEC schools and half of Western civilization, he tends to lose perspective. Any humility he may have had, was eroded from years of being told he would be the next Heisman.
Sure, you can’t have too much of an ego if you’re committing to a school which resides in the basement of the Big East. But sometimes you’d be surprised at the sense of entitlement among young athletes.
Marrone obviously targeted good athletes, but with solid character. And in 2010, that’s not a common combination.¬†The Fizz had a terrific time chatting with all the kids yesterday.¬†Here’s our Top-Five quotes.
5)¬†“I plan on doing everything he did. He’s like an inspiration to me. He played 12 years in the pros.” Adrian Flemming, on following Rob Moore’s footsteps. Moore’s on the job two weeks and already landed a kid. Good move, Marrone. Good move.
4)¬†“By coming in this year and having us tuck our shirts in, showing out pockets, gotta be good with that. It’s a school rule, if you don’t obey it, there’s gonna be consequences.” Dom Timbers, on being sent home from school because he didn’t have his shirt tucked. What the hell is going on in high schools these days?
3)¬†“I know how much knowledge he has about running an offense, with Drew Brees and the Saints. I’m excited he took over that role.”Jonny Miller, on why he chose Syracuse. A glimpse into the future of quarterback recruits across the country potentially picking SU because of Marrone’s offensive prowess.
2)¬†“I can’t wait to play Rutgers.” Keondrick Lyn, on his excitement level of playing in the Big East. Lyn was in the middle of a recruiting battle with the Scarlet Knights. Suck it, Schiano.
1)¬†“I’m comin’ in and bringing a little West Coast rawness to it. Just raw and physical. You just hope the other guys are as ready to be physical right along with me, because I’m ready to do it.” Deon Goggins, on what he’ll bring to the table. Bring the raw big boy.