Pop quiz, SU hoops fans: Which member of the Orange tweeted this quote last season?
“coach don’t give a s*** about me and evreybody no it”
Time’s up. If you answered Mookie Jones, you are correct! The Fizz tried to dissect¬†what exactly was going on with Mookie, and although he has been much quieter of late, many are probably still wondering.
Regardless of what his mental state is right now, he‚Äôs definitely the wild card of SU basketball. I‚Äôve seen a lot of him in person over the last couple years – I‚Äôve even played some pickup ball with him – and I just don‚Äôt think he‚Äôs on the same wavelength as the rest of his team.
Syracuse starts up its regular season tonight vs. Northern Iowa. The Orange historically has warmed up with a handful of cupcakes off the bat, but this year’s¬†schedule is far more demanding.
That means Jim Boeheim has less time than normal to fiddle with his rotation. In the battle for playing time between Mookie, sophomore James Southerland, and freshman CJ Fair, let’s hope The Per’fesser goes with the less experienced Southerland and Fair.
Besides the fact the Mookie is a semi-nut job off the court, he‚Äôs a one-trick pony as a player. Boeheim tries to recruit lengthy, versatile wings who can slash, shoot, and disrupt things on defense. Mookie only priority is to “get his” and can often ignore defense altogether.
Suggesting his effort on the court is a notch below where it should be is unfair, because who really knows. But have you watched him try to move his feet on defense? He doesn’t.
By all accounts, Mookie’s head is back where it was last November, before his combustibility showed itself:
“I’m here. I’m working every day. I’m gonna be at practice early working on my game. Trying to work on everything coach says I need to improve on. Whatever it is he told me to do, I’m gonna do it.”
And that’s all well and good. Hopefully Mookie continues to keep his mouth shut and maintain a positive attitude.
But Syracuse is still better off with him on the bench.
Posted: Andrew Kanell