In October, The Fizz broke the story that Farrell (PA) lineman High Rob Trudo gave his verbal commitment to play football at Syracuse. Now our old friend Groobers is in the mix, and trying to take Trudo away to Michigan. After such a stellar season defensively for the Wolverines (108th out of 120), it’s understandable why they’re an attractive outfit.
Trudo told The Fizz back in December:
“I believe in what Coach Marrone is trying to do, turning Syracuse into a winning program. The undergrads there, the freshmen and sophomores, I spent some time with them over the weekend. They believe that too. I just wanted to be a part of something special.”
On the MGoBlog one commenter, who claims he’s a high school coach in Rob’s area, says he doesn’t think Trudo is Michigan-level talent:
“I coach at Sharon High School (Marlin Jackson’s alma mater) and we played Farrell first game of the season. This kid is a beast. I have seen him play 3 games this year and he dominated every one of them. With that being said, I’m not sure if he is Michigan worthy but he possesses a lot of positive qualities. He is big, strong, and fast for his size.”
Speed makes Michigan’s 3-3-5 defense work. So despite Trudo having played at the lowest classification of Pennsylvania high school football, if a player fits that coaches system, he could work.
One would like to think that if Trudo had indeed told Doug Marrone he was coming to SU, and seemed to be on board with the mission of the program, that his word would be good. As we know from the number of players that have left the program since Marrone came on board, Robinson guys are not necessarily Marrone guys. If you liked Robinson’s style, you probably disliked Marrone’s style.
Trudo may like Robinson’s style because he wants to learn the value of “optimism and hard work”
Right now it doesn‚Äôt look as though Trudo will end up in Ann Arbor, but it‚Äôs worth keeping an eye on since it’s Groobers. It‚Äôs only an offer at this point, and Trudo has given a verbal commitment to Marrone.
Posted: Mike Couzens