If you were wondering whatever happened to Syracuse offensive lineman Josh White, he’s now talking about his sexual preferences on Twitter. The last we heard from White was a year ago, when he was just another holdover from the Groobers’ Error leaving the program without a trace. Last summer White left the team just two weeks before camp opened. According to the P-S,¬†“junior offensive tackle Josh White was a starter at tackle in 2009, but he ended up as the second-team left tackle behind junior college transfer Michael Hay after spring drills.”
This week has been a particularly descriptive one for White’s personal tastes on Twitter. The Fizz follows many current and former players, and normally a little jocular humor or borderline lewd comments barely raise an eyebrow. Athlete’s tweets rarely create high-brow discourse. Plus, teenagers and twenty-somethings often use Twitter to simply shoot casual conversation ¬†back and forth. But White has taken this to a new level. These are his tweets and re-tweets from just the last three days. Digging too much deeper into his Twitter timeline (@juicyj78) is both disturbing and just kinda redundant.
(Editor’s note: This is pretty graphic stuff. If males and females talking foreplay via social media makes you queasy, you might want to skip this post.)
“I will smash 7 shades of sh*t out of you”
“Ok I like to eat p***y is there somthn wrong wit tht”
“#sometimesyouhaveto shut up n sit on my face”
RT @Lick_Ke_Dry “what you using your hands for ? take my panties off with your teeth & began to please me”
RT @youlove_tati “N****s that don’t eat p***y are #dead like that’s just a part of bein a man now. Get ya weight up.”
RT @youlove_tati “If youu don’t want c*m on ya face chest stomach ect. I don’t suggest youu f**k wit me. #TeamSquirter“
“#sexisbest when u can suck d**k as long as I can eat p***y”
“#sexisbest when her p***y pretty enough to sit on my face”
“#sexisbest when u let me knw when u c***n so I can slide up out u change position c**k your leg up & suck the c*m up out u”
RT @iMsVanityQT “Fat.Wet.Tight #GreatP***y“
“Ladies don’t b shy wit ya man; f*k him rite; clean rite: be classy; give real sloppy head; lmao trust me they will stay around longer”
Stay classy, Josh. Sounds like someone is pretty sexually frustrated or this is how the courting of young couples goes down in 2011. Either way it’s TMI. Isn’t this what Direct Message is for, anyway? This actually makes Scoop’s joking tweets about assault seem quaint. Mookie griping Boeheim doesn’t care about him? Twitter for kids!
Man, what a shame that guy isn’t protecting Ryan Nassib’s blind side. Thank goodness The Dougie ran him off. This is why Marrone is the best man for the job. He probably overheard White mention some weird sexual deviance from the weekend and said, “Get the hell off my field.”
White is quickly gaining steam as a must un-follow around the Syracuse blogosphere. Orange Girl also mentioned a few months ago how disturbing White’s tweets had become. “Mr. White has taken his offense to a whole new level. Yowsa.”
Oh, one last tweet from White:
“I was just told tht I was a disrespectful ass person 24/7”
So much for self-awareness.
Posted: D.A.