Wayne Morgan‚Äôs visit to Syracuse last weekend left the three-star safety excited about the Orange, and has given some much needed good news for Orange Nation. Morgan is NYC’s top player this year, and has had offers from Alabama, Miami and Michigan. But the Erasmus Hall (Brooklyn) star wants to stay closer to home and has appreciated schools like SU, which has shown interest the longest.¬†The Fizz talked with the head coach Danny Landberg, who said Morgan loved his weekend in CNY.
“He had a great visit, an absolutely wonderful time. He loved the tour, the Carrier Dome, the coaching staff and Doug Marrone, and even the dorms where his friend Brandon Reddish lived. He had a great time.”
This is the antidote Orange Nation was hoping for after a string of disappointment and frustration. The end of the season collapse has left SU fans wondering what the lingering effects would be for the final commitments of this class. As The Fizz reported this week, four-star RB Boom Perkins scratched the Orange off his final 5.
Morgan’s visit is a very good sign considering it’s now down to just two schools, Syracuse and UConn. Apparently, Crazy Eyes Schiano and Rutgers have been crossed of his list. The Dougie has openly spoke about owning the Big Apple, a non-traditional pipeline of college football talent. This would be another SU flag to plant in New York City.
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Landberg said Morgan will be making his visit to Storrs in January, but it’s good news his Husky trip will now have to live up to the weekend to Syracuse. One of the x-factors in landing Morgan has always been Brandon Reddish, one of his close friends from Brooklyn. Landberg says he’s personally thrilled for the potential of the two playing together next season.
“I’m excited. I know Brandon very well, and I trust Brandon and he is a high quality kid. I would be very happy if Wayne was with him because he would be with good people”
Reddish might be the final piece of the puzzle to landing Morgan. Sounds like Brandon helped connect his high school buddy with the rest of the team. Landberg said Morgan “feels very comfortable with all the kids he got to meet, and the guys he knew already like (Steven) Rene, Brandon, (Jeremiah) Kobena and (Ivan) Foy.”  The other huge difference maker for Morgan, according to Landberg, is the academics.
“For Wayne, it’s really a matter of that he is going to graduate on time, and I know that Syracuse has a great rate as far as graduating their players”
Landberg told The Fizz¬†‚ÄúSyracuse has an outstanding chance of getting‚Äù Morgan.¬†Last month¬†Morgan told The Fizz Doug Marrone was a “real coach.”¬†He would also certainly have the chance of making an impact as a freshman in the secondary. It‚Äôs another factor that Landberg said could guide Morgan to SU as we inch closer to National Signing Day.
Syracuse seems to have the clear advantage¬†after his visit, and it’s impossible to overstate how crucial Reddish is. He has shown Wayne the in’s and out’s of campus, and the expectations of the team. It may be the deciding factor as it comes down to two Big East rivals, the former Orange coach and the current one. Right now, Syracuse continues to be the favorite in the race for Wayne Morgan.
Posted: Kevin Fitzgerald