Is he? Isn’t he? Brandon Knight and Syracuse have had an on again, off again relationship.
I myself rushed into judgment and declared him “done” with the Orange months ago. Luckily, Adam Schwartz from Northstar Sports¬†knocked some sense back into me after Christmas.
“Brandon Knight has supposedly ‘cut’ his list numerous times, and I don’t know that Syracuse is specifically out of it. I would say they’re well behind.”
I was still skeptical, and since Knight hasn’t visited CNY and hasn’t made any waves about the ‘Cuse, I put it down again and let it breathe.
Then came the Sun-Sentinel report last week that had Syracuse sneaking back into the fray.
In fact, he is quoted as having Jimmy B’s squadron on his short list, ahead of the U (props to¬†Nunesmagician for digging that out of god knows where).
This is obviously a good thing. However, people may be feeling a little jerked around.
At the end of the day, Orange fans should feel honored just to be considered.
Why, you ask? Well, he can score from anywhere, he’s a big-bodied point guard with unbelievable speed, and he has a 4.2 GPA.
Oh, and there’s this. He won the Gatorade National player of the year award last season over a certain Kentucky guard. Yeah, John Wall, was still in secondary school when Knight won it. Yeah. He’s that good.
With the late signing period fast approaching, fans can sit back and watch the courtship take place. Enjoy the flirting.