Listen to the Freshest FizzCast:
It was a Fizz First reunion back in Syracuse this week on the FizzCast with Couzens and Conroy in the same place for the first time since May. After all of the hugging and reminiscing, we got down to business and took a look back at the week in Fizz.
Maybe most important (and entertaining) was the fact that @OrangeFizz got BLOCKED! BLOCKED! by Chandler Jones of the SU football team on Twitter. Why? Because as DA posted, “We understand. No one wants their personal life spread out on display for all the world to see. Even if you put it on a public social networking site with your full name and identity, where anyone in the universe with an internet feed can browse through.”
Right. He added on the FizzCast:
“The best stuff (on Twitter) we usually bring to the Fizz readers. It was very obvious that all of the football players didn’t put anything interesting up there except for Torrey Ball and Chandler Jones, and they were hysterical! Well, one of the girls that followed Chandler Jones retweeted a picture of him picking his nose on Skype and we obviously had to run that. And that led us to our next step where Chandler was none too pleased with us posting that.”
We‚Äôve shed our tears. And we‚Äôve moved on – to more SU football.¬†Conroy noted this past week how many negative storylines there were¬†in recent SU football in training camp. Couzens chimed in:
“Yes it’s good that you have depth somewhat at running back, depth at running back, but you’re still worried a little bit when you want to be a competing Division-1 program and you can’t fill a fourth wide receiver spot.”
And we learned that top hoops recruit Tony Wroten may have cut out Syracuse in his search for higher education, er, a ticket to the NBA in favor of Washington and Kentucky:
“I don’t think that it’s going to be a big hit for SU. When you’re Syracuse basketball and you’ve recruited from the same geographical area for so long and that’s been successful for you, you’re not worried about it. Would you like to get a guy who could be a great point guard? Yeah. But you’re not worried about it because recruits come to you, you don’t have to sell yourself to them.”