The Fizz is made possible by the hard work of its staff, readers like yourselves and drunken emails from students at 2:30a when the bars close.
Since we tend to tend to get our hands and reps sullied a bit (yes, that’s the AD chewing us out, Chandler Jones blocking his Twitter feed, and Bryce Hawkes wearing a naughty t-shirt), we also elicit quite a number of intriguing tips.
Over the last two weeks, one rumor gaining steam has been the scene at Chuck’s on the night of the NBA exhibition game between Minnesota and Detroit.
It’s been impossible to ignore how many stories have floated around campus and through our inbox suggesting the Timberwolves and co. turned the Marshall Street watering hole into a total sh*t show.
Here’s the details we have pretty good intel on:
The story of the night was Kevin Love. The big man, who looks and plays like Kevin Federline on HGH, was hammered and the life of the party. Allegedly, he was truly getting his mack on, milling through bar nonstop with drink in hand while making out with multiple chicks. Hey K-Love, get some baby.
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Update: 11:33a. Fizz has a pic courtesy of Jason Dumas’ Blackberry.¬†(Suave black shirt/silver tie look bro.)
Dumas recounts: “I met Kevin in Lucy’s earlier in the night, we had a brief conversation about basketball and the upcoming season. I bumped into him about two hours later at Chuck’s. He was clearing enjoying himself and loving the life of a single NBA star. He was approached by and turned down many women while we were conversing. After turning down about ten women, he found the winner, and proceeded to swap spit with the lucky gal while using the a table as his seat.”
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Reigning hero Wes Johnson returned to campus and decided to pour some of his millions into the local economy. Allegedly, Wes and Kris Joseph were strolling around Chuck’s with bottles of Patron in hand. Let’s face it; this is why Wes rocks. He didn’t need a shot of Patron or even a glass. He needed his own (bleeping) bottle. Guess here is Wes probably paid for K-Jo’s servings since I don’t think Chuck’s takes SUpercard.
We had sightings of celebrity bartenders as well. Allegedly, one of the SU living legends was mixing that Bacardi and Coke for you. Detroit native Derrick Coleman, back in town for the event, was apparently pouring shots. Can you imagine one of the sorority girls from Long Island ordering a vodka-tonic from the greatest power forward ever to don the orange? “This guy is, like, taking soooo slow. What… is… his… deal? Ew, OMG this place is, like, so crowded.”
Last, but not least, the Wolves’ Kurt Rambis was also allegedly behind the bar. Pretty good decision if you’re Rambis: high-profile head coach of an NBA team working behind the bar of a college dive as his players get drunk and make out with 21-year-olds. Of all the stories from this night this seems unlikeliest. Would an NBA coach really put himself in that position? Then again, maybe the pillows were lumpy at the Sheraton and he needed some fresh air.
Why was there so little documentation of such a raucous evening? It’s not like every night 6-foot-10 millionaire professional athletes romp through the 315 and take over Marshall Street (just game nights). Allegedly, any student attempting to take pictures with a phone or camera had them immediately confiscated and/or broken. Seems like it worked. Not many pics other than the one above floating around.
The Fizz will do its best to keep its ear to the ground on this story. Any tips, as always, can be sent anonymously to my email listed above. Hey, T-Wolves? On behalf of Syracuse University and all the alcohol and women you enjoyed on our campus – you’re welcome.
Posted: D.A.