The Fizz has learned that All-American Bowl reps still expect Ishaq Williams to make his announcement Saturday. In the wake of yesterday’s news that Al Golden’s aggressive push has put Miami in the mix, rumors circulated that Ishaq would delay his decision and take an official visit to Coral Gables.
Ishaq is practicing all week in San Antonio with his All-American Bowl team, so if the decision is still set for Saturday, that means he will not have made a visit to the Hurricanes campus. This would be incredibly good news for Syracuse, which appeared to have taken a lead over Notre Dame in the final week.
If he so chooses, Ishaq can delay his decision up to a month. National Signing Day isn’t until February 2nd. However, bowl reps have told The Fizz there has been no change in their preparation for Ishaq’s decision. Officials in San Antonio have not been told the announcement has been delayed and are still planning for Williams’ to declare his commitment among the game festivities.
Listen to an I-Team FizzCast on the Latest Ishaq Williams News:
The Fizz I-Team has been deeply entrenched over the last month and yesterday may have been the most active day yet. Conroy and Hoffman have broken down the Ishaq Sweepstakes in a special I-Team FizzCast to keep everyone’s head on straight.
First, we need to break down a big barrier here. When it comes to where Williams is definitively headed next year, this much must be made clear, per Hoffman.
“I know as much about this as anybody out there. And I don’t have a clue!”
That goes for all of Team Fizz. If we knew where Williams was going, we’d tell you¬†right here.¬†The team went into FizzCom 5 when a source in Miami told us Golden¬†made an in-house visit to Ishaq immediately after being named head coach. That’s when rumors swirled he was delaying his decision.
“My heart just dropped; it’s just an interesting scenario, because there are so many¬†factors on why that doesn’t make sense, but it’s his dream school so it makes perfect¬†sense.”
And then the information overload was upon us.
“We freaked out; and the entire afternoon was filled with minuscule information about¬†anything.”
The Fizz checked back on it’s sources and found a few things; the most important being¬†that the San Antonio announcement is still on. There are also some recruiting experts that believe Ishaq is still deciding between SU and Notre Dame.
The moral of the story?
“Hold your damn horses, this has become such a media savvy world that it blows you¬†by. One word turns into one million.”
Listen to The FizzCast. Become informed. Keep hitting up The Fizz for the latest reports and follow us @orangefizz on Twitter for Ishaq’s decision.
Posted: Ted Conroy