Fortunately enough, the shortened time for media access was enough to be a dead giveaway that Greg Paulus would be the starting...
If Penn State is Linebacker U., Syracuse is Linebacker Community College right now.
Didn't we already do this whole media day thing in Rhode Island? Well, yeah, but that was the Big East Media Day....
Just how different is a Doug Marrone Camp vs. a Groobers' one? "I don't know, I was really just worried about getting...
What can we actually take away from this though? Well, we know SU got picked to finish last in the conferece media...
Meantime, Syracuse football released its depth chart and D-Dub posted it to his (gasp) blog.
The Fizz has learned Nottingham (NY) quarterback Jawan Simmons has still not been offered by Syracuse.
Perhaps most importantly with this game, the SU coaching staff gets a chance to schmooze with the players' high school coaches.
Jawan Simmons' credentials read like Todd McShay's wet dream: 6' 3", 190-lbs, 4.6 second 40-yard dash.
So Notre Dame, Army, Boston College and Rutgers are in linebefore the Orange for a date in the Bronx? Argh.
Nick Dew, you are officially on the clock. Dew is a 6'2", 180-pound safety from Virginia Beach and most importantly has SU...
Hmm, Jerome had to think "Snow, cheese, beer, brats and snow... or snow, snow and Doug Marrone?"
We understand Notre Dame is the more storied program with more tradition, more championships and more money. We don't care.
Scott McCummings, a 6'2", 218-pound dual threat quarterback has already carved himself a small piece of Doug Marrone's heart.
The Fizz finds itself in the Bronx (former stomping grounds of Doug Marrone) and the home of the newest and potentially fastest...
John Kinder seems psyched to be playing for the Orange, something Marrone seems to hold high on his priority list.
"I cannot fail. Failure is not an option, because this is my school. I'm gonna get it done."
Which brings up a Fizzy situation going on within these hilly woods. Why does the Orange have so many damn offers out...
SU recruit Jerrard Hunter is listed in the class of '09 but is still yet to end up with a school, is...
Does your offensive line collapse because the tight end is a liability? Well The Fizz has an answer for you, and it's...
The Fizz doesn't know whether Syracuse recruit Sal Conaboy likes blondes or brunettes, but let's hope he likes Orange.
The first (and most respected in the degenerate gambler demographic) college football preview has the '09 Orange slotted for... Last in the...
The Fizz believes Tyrek Cheeseboro is no punchline. Syracuse is in the mix alongside most of the Big East, plus Maryland and...
There is always another apple on the tree, so keep an eye out for class of 2010 QB Terrance Moore.
Fans can only hope that S.U. football can emerge from Chapter Robinson bankruptcy in a reasonable amount of time.
When you're athletic enough to play football at a D-1, you go to Joe Casamento's College Prep Football Camp the past weekend.
The biggest news is that Ryan Nassib will remain the starting quarterback heading into the summer. But will things stay that way?
Team Fizz never let's you leave empty handed. It's round two of the Orange recruiting big board.